Salads are not my favorite. Not even close.

I have a best friend that craves salad. Like, eats it a million times a week. How are we even friends? I need carbs carbs carbs. Pasta, sandwiches and the bakery are what my heart needs to feel satisfied. It should probably be my stomach that’s satisfied, but it sure feels like its my heart that’s full when I’m devouring a veggie panini.

When everyone else is on facebook at work, I’m at home baking.
That generalization is, for the most part, grossly true. I don’t believe I’ve told you about my (f)unemployment.
I’m a seasonal worker. Thank the Lord, because I don’t think I could handle working all year round. I whole-heartedly respect everyone who does, because to maintain my sanity I need an off-season. I’m blessed that the man in my life can provide for me and my baking addiction, although I’m pretty sure he doesn’t mind that I do, well, most things around here. I don’t know how people get it all done at home while working, because you do not want to see our house in the summer. Disaster.
I feel like doing something a little different with handmade monday today. Sound good? People can put some of their favorite Etsy items in a collection called a treasury. Here are a few calming treasuries for your Monday, because that’s the kind of Monday I had. And I want you to have that kind of Monday, too.
Just click on the collection to find the items on Etsy.

Gooey gooey brownies. That’s my favorite kind. These are made extra gooey by loading them with the salted hazelnut liquor caramels I shared with you last week. Did you make them yet? Pleeeease say yes. And then say you some left over to make these. Doubtful. Those babies are addicting.

Unfortunately, none of these made it to the cooling point so I have no idea what they are like chilled, or even at room temperature. YUP. They’re that good.
This week marks the beginning of a long and beautiful wedding season for us. Many (actually, most!) of our good friends are getting married in upcoming months and it’s been so much fun dreaming of ideas with girlfriends. Etsy is one of the best places I can think of to get ideas and find gorgeous accessories for the perfect day.

rustic table numbers from countrybarnbabe

rustic pen holder from braggingbags

wedding invitations from beaconlane
It feels like spring, smells like spring, and I finally got to wear my new spring jacket. Does that mean it’s spring?

I don’t want to jinx it, but I’m sharing a dessert that will make it feel springy even without the nice weather. So whatever, Mother Nature. Do what you want. (But please not really, because I loooove above-freezing temperatures.)

I might be the only person on planet earth who doesn’t like greek yogurt. I feel like everyone raves about that stuff. I had some in my fridge and couldn’t gag it down, so I turned it into a glorious French yogurt cake. Problem solved.
Last week, I baked.

And baked and baked and baked.

Seriously. Kyle was out of town for work so I had NO structure in my day. Brownies for breakfastlunchpredinnersnack? Sure! Then force down a healthy dinner even though I’m not at all hungry to make up for it? Smart!
I am absolutely entranced by these posters. Summarizing an entire story with a single minimalistic image? Fantastic. Am I being too impulsive by saying I need a child NOW so I can litter his/her walls with each of these? Want.
Easter is one of those holidays that comes and goes at the blink of an eye. It all happens in a day and then you go back to work. Blah. But who can resist all the pretty pastels and bunnies? And eggs! Dying eggs was always a HUGE operation in our house, wax and all. When I say huge, I mean our dining room was dedicated to egg dying for at least the entire month before.
Despite the cold not-so-spring weather (still..), get in the Easter mood with these Etsy picks!

silk egg dye kit from BooBahBlue

sterling silver necklace from FingerPrince

greeting card from ThePaperCub

rabbit sticker decals from MaxaPeel

rustic easter egg ornaments from Florasense

treat bag from Lafabriqueabricole

easter egg greeting card from TheBestDayPaperCo

tiny felt bunnies from SistersDreams

easter spring garland from AFeteBeckons

easter invitation printable from LuluPaperPrints

felt easter basket from LIVbylouise

newborn bunny hat from CraftyKsCrochet

egg nest ornament from FairyFolk

felted stuffed bunny from TwoSadDonkeys
Wanna see more Etsy favorites? Click here.
Hey! See what I’m up to:
My mom recently texted me saying I need talk about stuff she’d actually want to make.
Thanks mom.

I knew what she meant, though. Since we kinda think alike (sugar, chocolate, gooeyness, more sugar), I wasn’t offended because I’d been sharing more real food than sweets and treats.

Sorry mom, but these aren’t as junk-food as you’d prefer. Guess you raised me well? These cookies have some better-for-you ingredients, so they’ll only do a little bit of damage to your diet. Okay…they’re still chock-full of sugar and chocolate, but I love that commercial so much I can’t help referencing it whenever I can {nerd alert}. Anyway, these have peanut butter (yes, peanut butter) m&m’s and dark chocolate chips, making them super extra delicious.